
Dispatches - Exposing Hospital Heartache

Amanda reports on the help available for couples whose pregnancies fail, considering whether they receive sufficient support in the aftermath. With the help of Channel 4's award-winning current affairs program 'Dispatches', Amanda uncovers some shocking procedures that she hopes to change.

"Along the way, the actress and presenter revisits her own difficult memories of losing a baby son seven months into her pregnancy - having already suffered a miscarriage - and empathises with other prospective parents in similar situations. She meets a number of women who recount their experiences of inadequate aftercare, and seeks answers from those in authority in the NHS."

One of the hardest things Amanda has ever filmed, 'Dispatches- Exposing Hospital Heartache' was worth it in many ways. Due to Amanda's investigative journalism, the documentary caused the government to reconsider its policy of disposing of foetal remains. This is a great triumph and hopefully welcome news to many women in the UK who have gone through the loss of a baby.

